Spooning in Sherrill: Liberty Tabletop flatware sets itself apart with unconventional patterns

Many of us are committed to buying locally grown produce and handmade, artisan food products. Now let’s give some consideration — with a spoonful of local pride — to the utensils with which we can choose to eat those foods.

Liberty Tabletop, a division of Sherrill Manufacturing, Inc., is the only manufacturer of stainless steel flatware in the United States. It’s made in Central New York, in Sherrill (“the Silver City”), to be exact, and sold directly to consumers online. Inviting a Liberty design to the table takes eating local to a whole other level.

“We like to call it ‘factory to table,’” says Gregory Owens, who co-founded Sherrill Manufacturing with partner Matt Roberts.

Sherrill Manufacturing and its Liberty Tabletop brand grew from the smoldering embers of the former Oneida Ltd., a major manufacturer of silver-plated and stainless steel flatware. The factory ceased operations in Sherrill in 2005, moving production mostly overseas, and Owens and Roberts began Sherrill Manufacturing the next day.

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