Contact Us

Customer service phone hours: M-Th 9-5:00, Friday 9-4:00 EST

By email:

By phone, toll-free: +1 (844) 386-2338

By mail:
Liberty Tabletop
102 East Seneca Street / Suite 510
Sherrill, N.Y. 13461


*Please note – if you would like to use a Visa Gift Card (or any other type) please call us and we will be happy to place the order for you.

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Front of the main office with showroom sign.

Showroom hours are 9:00 to 4:00 Monday – Thursday and 9:00 to 3:00 Friday.

Please call ahead so we can be sure someone is here to show you around – 844.386.2338.


Coming to see us? Check below for directions to our showroom:

As you are driving down East Seneca Street you will need to turn down Liberty Drive. Liberty Drive is located between the Sherrill Legion and a stand-alone grey house.  Once you’re on Liberty Drive, go down the hill until you come to a parking lot. Our factory is on the left! All the way down in the corner of the building you will see signs that say “Liberty Tabletop” and “Sherrill Manufacturing”. This is where our showroom/offices are located! If you need further assistance please call us, we are happy to help.